The DuncanSensei Japanese page was originally created by Steven Duncan; formally a Japanese teacher at two Catholic primary schools in South Australia.
The aim of the DuncanSensei page is to collate and display interesting and age appropriate news articles about happenings going on in Japan and other relevant stories. In the past it alsoo provided a student-run blog where by Duncan Sensei’s students were able to login and post their own blog posts whilst being protected behind a passworded system. The idea being that the blog would eventually provide a valuable insight into what is being taught during Japanese classes for parents and to showcase interesting events happening in Japan.
While any member of the public are able to view the interesting news and articles posted by Duncan Sensei. It is hoped that the website will grow into a hub of Japanese teaching resources available freely to other Japanese teachers and people interested in learning about Japan and her language.
About Steven Duncan, developer of
As mentioned above, Steven Duncan developed the DuncanSensei webpage to spread news about Japan and to use in his Japanese teaching at the primary schools he teaches at. Having lived and taught English in Japan for a number of years, Steven Duncan has grown a passion for teaching the Japanese language to primary school students through fun, interesting and relevant lessons that the majority of his students enjoy. This website utilised both his own personally developed resources such as his photography from Japan and resources he has pulled from the internet. All efforts are taken to credit sources of borrowed resources, but this is not always possible. If you are the owner of such a resource and would like it removed, please contact Steven.